David Colomès
Born the 31 of January of 1968 inTarbes (France).
Nationality: French.
Resident in Spain from 1993.
Formation: self-taught person.
Exhibitions and prizes:
Selected “to Young artists of Castille la Mancha” with collective exhibitions in Toledo, City-Real, Albacete, Guadalajara, Cuenca, Murcia, Oviedo and Salamanca (Catalogue)
Individual Exhibition in the municipal museum Elisa Cendrero of City-Real.
1º photography Carpetania prize (by the meeting of communities of Castille la Mancha). With collective exhibition in the Real Palace of Toledo.
Individual Exhibition in center of the water of Daimiel (City-Real).
Publication in the magazine Indigo (spring), p55 by the critic of Art To pound Pastrana. Collective Exhibition in the room of the column of the University of Salamanca.
It participates to the biennial of photography of Tenerife (fotonoviembre 1999) with collective exhibition in the exhibition hall of foundation MAPFRE of la Laguna (Catalogue).
Individual Exhibition in the gallery Expoarte de Piedrabuena (Ciudad-Real).
Selected to represent Spain in the Festival the International of slides of Luxembourg.
Collective Exhibition in the channel of Isabel second of Madrid (Exhibition hall of the Community of Madrid).
Individual Exhibition in the gallery the Zambra of Madrid.
Individual Exhibition in the seat of ADENAT in Madrid. - 1º prize of photography in VISUARTE: the festival of visual arts of Cienfuegos (Cuba) with collective exhibition 2002 - Selected to participate in the project of the Foundation of Civil Rights of Madrid: “We are different, We are equal” (traveling collective exhibition and catalogue)
Collective Exhibition in the gallery Morgan of Madrid.
Collective exhibition in the CAP of Getafe (Madrid), ENSEÑARTE 2005.
Publications in the magazine “the shade of the quince”
Collective exhibition in Emulsion 2006
Collective Exibition in the Mezclarte Gallery (Alicante).
Individual exibition in the Man Ray Photography school (Madrid)